The Rainbow Bridge
Clients are the heart and soul of any business,
and that is why we dedicated this section to you, “our clients and our friends”.
Please call us at (702) 349-9214 if you have any questions.
Gone too soon.
“Nala The Wonder Dog”
I am crying as a write this even though nearly six months have passed since we said our final goodbyes to Nala, this picture was taken just an hour or so before her death.
“Nala The Wonder Dog” aka “Jojo Wong”, leaves her paralyzed body after ten years and forty-one days and finally runs free…no longer is her spirit locked inside her broken body. She was my best friend and my angel. She inspired me to change careers at 40 and create this company. I honor her memory, her strong spirit, her will to carry on and her love of life. We all could learn so much from our animals should we take the time to be still and really listen.
This is a picture of her final resting place. It is where the Moclips river flows into the Pacific Ocean in Moclips, WA bordering the Quinault Indian Reservation. If you look closely, you can see a drift wood cross tied together with a piece of seaweed next to her remains as she floated out to sea.
On a side note and in true stubborn terrier fashion, and against all odds, “Nala the wonder dog” stayed there for two more days! This was truly amazing to us, as the tides come in about 20 to 30 feet!
Moon Pie
My Moon Pie, just an amazing boy, we miss him dearly.
Twiggy, your life was just to short…we loved you with all of our hearts.
We miss you dearly. We know that Rusty misses you. You were a special dog!
Douglas and Barbara
We will never forget you. You were always a good boy and we love you very much!
Chuck and Joni