Nala's Pet Sitters

Pet Sitting Rates

In home pet care prices are based on the travel time to your home.
Grooming prices vary depending on breed, please contact us today to get your quote.
Please call or text us at (702) 349-9214 if you have any additional questions.

Pet Sitting Pricing Options

There is an additional $10.00 fee per pet sit on all major holidays. They include New Year’s Day and New Year’s Eve, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and the day after, Christmas Eve and Christmas. Additonal details are on our pet sitting agreement. Call if you have any questions.

We accept local checks, and cash.  Credit and debit cards are accepted at a 4% fee.



Each 30 minute visit


Each visit for 7 or more pets


One hour visits


Fuel charge


Key pick-up/drop-off


Pet food delivery fee
(Minimum purchase of $50.00)


Pet taxi, errands, vet trips, baths, grooming, emergencies, etc.

$8.00 per 1/4 hour

1 time visit for first time customers $40.00


Additional surcharge for all major holidays.


Dog Training

$50.00 per hour


Services Include

Providing food/water/medicines including insulin) to your pets

Playing with/walking/brushing your pets

Daily pooper scooper service

Scooping litter boxes

Mail/newspapers brought in daily

Watering indoor and outdoor potted plants as needed

Taking the garbage/recycling out

Lights and blinds rotated for home security

Light pool care – typically adding water/chlorine tabs